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Community Discussion

Links to all your favorite local news outlets categorized to make reading simple, easy and fun. 


Each piece is 750 words about
local public affairs published
every Thursday and Sunday

What is the Concurrent?

We already have a great community newspaper in Citrus County. Here's three reasons the Concurrent launched as a multimedia publication to fill a need.


Free News Aggregation

The Concurrent provides a free way to stay up to date about public affairs and politics in Citrus County. We cover the conversation providing a humorous take on what people around the county are saying.  

Mobile Phone

On the Go Updates 

Instead of reading the newspaper each morning, imagine getting your news while you do chores or in the car. The Concurrent's mobile app featuring audio and video content gives you a thought-provoking way to stay in the know on the go. 

Senior Businesswoman

Encourage Discussion

Through events, letters to the editor, discussion boards, and social media, the Concurrent wants to hear from you. Instead of telling you the way it should be, we get a conversation started and you make it a discussion regardless of if you agree. 



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